Saturday, May 9, 2020

Yarn Chicken

I certainly hope this post finds you and yours healthy and not going too stir crazy from stay-at-home orders. At the time I'm writing this, a few states are lifting the orders, which makes some people very happy and some people very apprehensive. I just wish the best for everyone, no matter what your personal decision may be.

Things have just been going along here. I'm appreciating the warmer temps, and I can't wait to plant my spinach. That is, if the seeds ever get here. (I think they're sitting in some abandoned postal warehouse - I'm expecting a ransom note any time now!) I'm still working on Riley's dragon. My, that thing has so many parts; obviously I won't be showing you any photos of him yet. Who would want to see a bunch of dragon pieces?

I did take a slight detour, though. My son's fiance's birthday was March 28th, and I did send her a card, but I told her she'd have to wait for her present. I can't recall how I came across the pattern, but I found the Tendril Shawl by Annie Design Crochet and I felt it would be just perfect for her. The pattern is free but the suggested yarn was the most expensive yarn I've ever bought - ah, but what a yarn! It was 60% superwash merino wool, 20% silk and 20% yak, soft as butter, beautiful drape, subtle sheen, and fantastic color. Plus it was a dream to work with. Thank goodness it only took one skein!

The pattern called for a 4mm hook and I didn't have one, so I chose to use a 3.75mm instead. Mine turned out about 60" long and 26" deep on the picot side, smaller than the designer's version, but that's ok. I did have enough yarn left over to do scs across the top edge, which I think gave it a little more finished look. I was definitely playing yarn chicken, but I won with about a yard left!


Trust me when I say the photos I took don't do this yarn justice. I even took the pictures in natural light, but I just couldn't get it to look as good as the real thing. Oh, well.

Everyone please take care and stay well - and happy crocheting!

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